Week of Mar 25 (T4 W3)

713 – Period 1 – 713

Friday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Creating A Campaign Poster: How did the early government establish itself and meet the needs of the growing country?
Text: CampaignPosters Campaigns1
Homework: No homework.

Thursday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Historical Documents: What were the important events of the Jefferson Administration?
Text: TJeffLouisianaPurchase
Homework: No written homework.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (HW 4-5)
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What were the important events of the Jefferson Administration?
Text: JeffersonAdministration
Homework: Based on today’s readings, on loose-leaf in a paragraph of at least seven complete sentences, respond: Why was Marbury v. Madison such an important case? Think About: Judge Marshall’s decision; its effects on the future

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Classwork: Half Day No Class today.

Monday, March 25, 2019
Classwork: Creating A Campaign Poster: How did the early government establish itself and meet the needs of the growing country?
Text: CampaignPosters Campaigns1
Homework: No homework.

803 – Period 2 – 803

Friday, March 29, 2019
Classwork: Film: What made the 1920s a time of cultural renewal?
Film: Jazz directed by Ken Burns (2001) - Episode 2: The Gift
: KenBurnsJazzEpisode2
Homework: If you did not hand in the Marcus Garvey poster, please hand it in soon.

Thursday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What made the 1920s a time of cultural renewal?
Text: HarlemRenJazzAge
Homework: No written homework.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (HW 4-4)
Classwork: Lecture & Close Reading: What was jazz music?
Text: LouisArmstrong
Homework: Based on today's reading, in a paragraph of at least six complete sentences: How did Louis Armstrong embody the freedom of the 1920s?

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Classwork: Film: What were the changes in NYC during the 1920s?
Film: New York Documentary Episode 5: Cosmopolis 1919-1929 dir Ric Burns 1999

Monday, March 25, 2019 (HW 4-3)
: Reading for Main Idea: What were the problems in the Warren Administration?
Text: HardingAdmin
Homework: Based on today's readings, on loose-leaf, please respond in at least six complete sentences: Identify two scandals that marked Warren Harding's presidency. What were the results of the scandals?

712 – Period 5 – 712

Friday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Creating A Campaign Poster: How did the early government establish itself and meet the needs of the growing country?
Text: CampaignPosters Campaigns1
Homework: No homework.

Thursday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Historical Documents: What were the important events of the Jefferson Administration?
Text: TJeffLouisianaPurchase
Homework: No written homework.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (HW 4-5)
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What were the important events of the Jefferson Administration?
Text: JeffersonAdministration
Homework: Based on today’s readings, on loose-leaf in a paragraph of at least seven complete sentences, respond: Why was Marbury v. Madison such an important case? Think About: Judge Marshall’s decision; its effects on the future

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Classwork: Creating A Campaign Poster: How did the early government establish itself and meet the needs of the growing country?
Text: CampaignPosters Campaigns1
Homework: No homework.

Monday, March 25, 2019
: Creating A Campaign Poster: How did the early government establish itself and meet the needs of the growing country?
Text: CampaignPosters Campaigns1
Homework: No homework.

814 – Period 6 – 814

Friday, March 29, 2019
Classwork: Film: What made the 1920s a time of cultural renewal?
Film: Jazz directed by Ken Burns (2001) - Episode 2: The Gift
: KenBurnsJazzEpisode2
Homework: If you did not hand in the Marcus Garvey poster, please hand it in soon.

Thursday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Video Game: What was life like during the Dust Bowl?
Text: UFDEpisode2
Homework: Complete the Episode 2 handout if not completed in class.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (HW 4-4)
Classwork: Lecture & Close Reading: What was jazz music?
Text: LouisArmstrong
Homework: Based on today's reading, in a paragraph of at least six complete sentences: How did Louis Armstrong embody the freedom of the 1920s?

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Classwork: Video Game: What was life like during the Dust Bowl?
Text: UFDEpisode1
Homework: Complete the Episode 1 handout if not completed in class.

Monday, March 25, 2019
: Video Game: What was life like during the Dust Bowl?
Text: UFDPrologue
Homework: Complete the Prologue handout if not completed in class.

809 – Period 7 – 809

Friday, March 29, 2019
Classwork: Film: What made the 1920s a time of cultural renewal?
Film: Jazz directed by Ken Burns (2001) - Episode 2: The Gift
: KenBurnsJazzEpisode2
Homework: If you did not hand in the Marcus Garvey poster, please hand it in soon.

Thursday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What made the 1920s a time of cultural renewal?
Text: HarlemRenJazzAge
Homework: No written homework.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (HW 4-4)
Classwork: Lecture & Close Reading: What was jazz music?
Text: LouisArmstrong
Homework: Based on today's reading, in a paragraph of at least six complete sentences: How did Louis Armstrong embody the freedom of the 1920s?

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Classwork: Half Day No Class today.

Monday, March 25, 2019 (HW 4-3)
: Reading for Main Idea: What were the problems in the Warren Administration?
Text: HardingAdmin
Homework: Based on today's readings, on loose-leaf, please respond in at least six complete sentences: Identify two scandals that marked Warren Harding's presidency. What were the results of the scandals?

709 – Period 8 – 709

Friday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Creating A Campaign Poster: How did the early government establish itself and meet the needs of the growing country?
Text: CampaignPosters Campaigns1
Homework: No homework.

Thursday, March 28, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Historical Documents: What were the important events of the Jefferson Administration?
Text: TJeffLouisianaPurchase
Homework: No written homework.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (HW 4-5)
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What were the important events of the Jefferson Administration?
Text: JeffersonAdministration
Homework: Based on today’s readings, on loose-leaf in a paragraph of at least seven complete sentences, respond: Why was Marbury v. Madison such an important case? Think About: Judge Marshall’s decision; its effects on the future

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Classwork: Half Day No Class today.

Monday, March 25, 2019
: Creating A Campaign Poster: How did the early government establish itself and meet the needs of the growing country?
Text: CampaignPosters Campaigns1
Homework: No homework.