Week of 11/24 Homework


Monday, Nov 24
Create a MEAL paragraph to answer the question:
How did changes in the North American Colonies make for friction between England and the colonies?
Use one or two pieces of evidence from today’s reading.

Tuesday, Nov 25.
No Homework

Wednesday, Nov 26.
No Homework.

612, 603 and 608

Monday, Nov 24.
Begin work on your Inquiry Question Essay.
Bring in a rough draft on Wednesday.

Wednesday, Nov 26.
Bring in your TEXT BOOK on Monday.
Write your essay --- Final Draft is due Wednesday!


Monday, Nov 24.
No homework today.

Tuesday, Nov 25.
No Homework

Wednesday, Nov 26.
Bring in your TEXT BOOK on Monday!!!

Week of 11/17 Homework


Monday, Nov 17
Answer on loose-leaf:
1. How does Edwards try to convince the listeners how to become saved?
2. How might hearing this sermon have affected the day-to-day behavior of the listeners?

Tuesday, Nov 18
In a MEA Paragraph on loose-leaf, respond to the inquiry question:
How did Thomas Mun advocate (promote) mercantilism in his document?\

Thursday, Nov 20
Complete Graphic Organizer for Georgia based on the handout.

Friday, Nov 21
Read Essay 3
On loose leaf write the grade you gave it based on the MEAL rubric.
Also on loose leaf, fix or give suggestions to make this a stronger essay.

603, 608 and 612

Monday, Nov 17

Tuesday, Nov 18
In your textbook, read pages 143-147.
Respond to question 1 on page 147 on loose-leaf.

Thursday, Nov 20:
On loose-leaf, Create a Meal Paragraph answering the question:
How did Ancient Mesopotamia impact our current civilization?

Use one of the four areas from your graphic organizer created in class to create the Meal paragraph – you may NOT write about religion.

Also, make sure you have your Graphic Organizer for Mesopotamian Achievements filled out completely!!!

Friday, Nov 21.
Read Essay 3
On loose leaf write the grade you gave it based on the MEAL rubric.
Also on loose leaf, fix or give suggestions to make this a stronger essay.


Monday, Nov 17

Tuesday, Nov 18
In your textbook, read pages 143-147.
Respond to question 1 on page 147 on loose-leaf.

Week of 11/10 Homework


Monday, Nov 10
In your textbook, read pages 78-82.
Respond to questions 1 and 2 on page 84 on loose-leaf.

Wednesday, Nov 12.
In your textbook, read pages 81-84.
Respond to questions 3 and 4 on page 84 on loose-leaf.
You will get a quiz on this tomorrow, you may use your homework to answer the questions.

Friday, Nov 14.
On loose-leaf, answer the inquiry question we began in class, "How were Puritans similar or different from Modern Americans?" use the Graphic Organizer we began in class.
It is due Monday, Nov 17.

612, 603 and 608

Monday, Nov 10
In your textbook, read pages 134-137.
Respond to questions 1 and 2 on page 137 on loose-leaf.

Wednesday, Nov 12.
In your textbook, read pages 138-142.
Respond to questions 1c and 2c on page 142 on loose-leaf.
In answering the questions use evidence from the text and connect the evidence your answer statement.

Friday, Nov 14.
On loose-leaf, answer the inquiry question we began in class, "How were Ancient Sumerians similar or different from Modern Americans?" use the Graphic Organizer we began in class.
It is due Monday, Nov 17.


Monday, Nov 10
On loose-leaf, write a meal paragraph about the Subtropics.

Wednesday, Nov 12.
On loose-leaf, write a MEAL paragraph about Mesopotamian achievements from the graphic organizer completed in class today.

Friday, Nov 14.
On loose-leaf, answer the inquiry question we began in class, "How were Ancient Sumerians similar or different from Modern Americans?" use the Graphic Organizer we began in class.
It is due Monday, Nov 17.

Week of 11/3 Homework


Monday, Nov 2
In textbook, read page 72– 74.
On loose leaf, answer questions 1 and 2 from page 77.
Expect a quiz on this homework on Wednesday.

Thursday, Nov 6
Handout, Economic Evaluation of Tobacco Prices and Slave Labor.
Re-read "Enslaved Labor" section.
On the back of packet, identify four "interesting facts" from the section and create a Main Idea statement for the section.

603, 608 and 612

Monday, Nov 3
In textbook, read page 114 – 117.
On loose leaf, answer questions 2 and 3 on 117.
Expect a quiz on this homework on Wednesday.

Thursday, Nov 6.
In textbook, read page 122-125.
On loose leaf, answer questions 1 and 3 from page 125.


Monday, Nov 3
In textbook, read page 114-117.
On loose leaf, answer questions 2 and 3 on 117.
Expect a quiz on this homework on Wednesday.

Thursday, Nov 6.
On loose leaf, write a paragraph based on "A Recipe for Making Deserts" Graphic Organizer completed in class today.