Week of Jan 7 ( T 2 W 8)

713 – Period 1 – 713

Friday, January 11, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Primary Source Documents: What happened at the Battle of Lexington?
Text: lexingtongo lexingtondoc lexpictures
Task: Based on the two documents and two images, in a three or four paragraph response: What happened at the Battle of Lexington? Be sure to include your analysis of the reliability of the sources.

Thursday, January 10, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Primary Source Documents: What happened at the Battle of Lexington?
Text: lexingtongo lexingtondoc
Homework: No written homework.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea & Categorizing Information: What sequence of events led to the colonies gaining independence from Great Britain?
Text: amrevearlybattles
Homework: No written homework.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What sequence of events led to the colonies declaring independence from Great Britain?
Text: war and choosing sides
Homework: No written homework.

Monday, January 7, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Document: What sequence of events led to the colonies declaring independence from Great Britain?
Text: commonsense
Homework: No written homework.

I forgot to attach the comic book panels here they are: comicsixpanel

803 – Period 2 – 803

Friday, January 11, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What were the results of American Imperialism?
Text: spanishamwarandresults
Homework: No written homework.

Thursday, January 10, 2019 (HW 3.1)
Classwork: Analyzing Primary Source Documents: What sank the Maine?
Text: mainego mainedocs
Homework: On loose-leaf in two or three paragraphs: What sank the Maine? Be sure to explain which evidence is more reliable and why.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Documents: Why did the US invade Cuba?
Text: spanish american war 3 spanishamericanwar2 spanishamericanwar1
Homework: No written homework.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Documents: Why did the US invade Cuba?
Text: spanish american war 3 spanishamericanwar2 spanishamericanwar1
Homework: No written homework.

Monday, January 7, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Documents: What factors led to U.S. foreign policy?
Text: hawaii
Homework: No written homework.

712 – Period 5 – 712

Friday, January 11, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Primary Source Documents: What happened at the Battle of Lexington?
Text: lexingtongo lexingtondoc lexpictures
Task: Based on the two documents and two images, in a three or four paragraph response: What happened at the Battle of Lexington? Be sure to include your analysis of the reliability of the sources.

Thursday, January 10, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Primary Source Documents: What happened at the Battle of Lexington?
Text: lexingtongo lexingtondoc
Homework: No written homework.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea & Categorizing Information: What sequence of events led to the colonies gaining independence from Great Britain?
Homework: No written homework.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What sequence of events led to the colonies declaring independence from Great Britain?
Text: war and choosing sides
Homework: No written homework.

Monday, January 7, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Document: What sequence of events led to the colonies declaring independence from Great Britain?
Text: commonsense
Homework: No written homework.

I forgot to attach the comic book panels here they are: comicsixpanel

809 – Period 7 – 809

Friday, January 11, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What were the results of American Imperialism?
Text: spanishamwarandresults
Homework: No written homework.

Thursday, January 10, 2019 (HW 3.1)
Classwork: Analyzing Primary Source Documents: What sank the Maine?
Text: mainego mainedocs
Homework: On loose-leaf in two or three paragraphs: What sank the Maine? Be sure to explain which evidence is more reliable and why.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Documents: Why did the US invade Cuba?
Text: spanish american war 3 spanishamericanwar2 spanishamericanwar1
Homework: No written homework.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Documents: Why did the US invade Cuba?
Text: spanish american war 3 spanishamericanwar2 spanishamericanwar1
Homework: No written homework.

Monday, January 7, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Documents: What factors led to U.S. foreign policy?
Text: hawaii
Homework: No written homework.

709 – Period 8 – 709

Friday, January 11, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Primary Source Documents: What happened at the Battle of Lexington?
Text: lexingtongo lexingtondoc lexpictures
Task: Based on the two documents and two images, in a three or four paragraph response: What happened at the Battle of Lexington? Be sure to include your analysis of the reliability of the sources.

Thursday, January 10, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Primary Source Documents: What happened at the Battle of Lexington?
Text: lexingtongo lexingtondoc
Homework: No written homework.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea & Categorizing Information: What sequence of events led to the colonies gaining independence from Great Britain?
Text: amrevearlybattles
Homework: No written homework.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What sequence of events led to the colonies declaring independence from Great Britain?
Text: war and choosing sides
Homework: No written homework.

Monday, January 7, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Document: What sequence of events led to the colonies declaring independence from Great Britain?
Text: commonsense
Homework: No written homework.

I forgot to attach the comic book panels here they are: comicsixpanel