Trimester 2 Week 5

Grade 8 Social Studies Homework

Read Pg 704 - 709
Define content vocabulary, academic vocabulary, Key People and events in notebook.
Answer Section Review 2 - 7 on loose-leaf.
Read Pg 710 - 717
Define content vocabulary, academic vocabulary, Key People and events in notebook.
Answer Section Review 2- 7 on loose-leaf. 

Prepare for test on Thursday and Friday
Did American expansionism show its strengths or weaknesses? Why and how?

Grade 7 Social Studies Homework

Read Pg 186- 193
Define content vocabulary, academic vocabulary, Key People and events in notebook.
Answer Section Review 2 - 6 and 8 on loose-leaf.  

Prepare for Test on Wednesday and Thursday
Why did English colonists decide to break away from Great Britain?