Roman God & Superhero Project

Your Task: Create a Super Hero based on a Roman God

Your Project:

  1. Choose a Roman God and write a one paragraph description of the Roman god.
  2. Create a superhero based on the Roman God with a background story (at least three paragraphs) or can be done as a comic strip (at least twenty-four comic panels)
  3. Write one paragraph comparing your superhero to the Roman God.
  4. Have one large illustration of your superhero (size of a paper like this)

Time Frame:
Friday, June 5 – Complete this packet and possibly begin research on Roman Gods
Monday, June 8 – Research Roman God
Tuesday, June 9 – Research Roman God or begin to draft the paragraphs or comic
Wednesday, June 10 – Continue drafting or editing your paragraphs or comic and illustration
Thursday, June 11 – Last chance to finish up work
Friday, June 12 – Presentations begin in each class. 5 minutes for each pair.

Here are some Webpages for you to do your research


Roman God Paragraph:
     The Roman Goddess of war, wisdom and strategy was Minerva. She had a very odd birth. Instead of the normal way of being born, she was her father’s headache. Her father, Jupiter the king of the gods, one day, had a terrible headache. He approached his son, Vulcan, to help him. Vulcan smashed his father in the head and out jumped Minerva dressed in a warrior’s outfit. Since she was born straight out of the mind of the king of the gods, Minerva was very smart.

Background Story of Superhero:
     The Moore Owl is a superhero with an incredibly sharp mind. The Moore Owl is from London, England. Thomas Moore was a student at Oxford University, the top university in the United Kingdom. He was studying to become a lawyer. However, one night when he was studying at the library he saw some classmates pay his law professor, Henry Tudor, to get better grades. He got very upset by it and told the professor that he was going to tell the head of the university. Professor Tudor lost his job at the University and the students that paid him off were kicked out. But before he left, the professor got Thomas kicked out of school.
     The Professor convinced the students who were kicked out to start a gang that would do illegal activity on the university campus. Professor Tudor would be the boss because he knew so much about the law that they would never go to jail again if he were in charge. From then on he was called Professor Two Door. Once kicked out of school, Thomas Moore had nowhere to go—no job, no money. So he stayed on campus and hung out in the library all day, wearing thick glasses so his classmates would not recognize him and only left the library at night when it would close. He would walk around and keep the town safe, especially from these gangsters that pushed drugs, sold homework and essay writing services.
     The Moore Owl saw that Two-Door and his goons were running their activities out of the basement of the library at night. He set up a plan: he disguised himself as a repairman for the security cameras in the library. He set up the cameras to film at the spots where Two-Door had his former students selling papers and doing other illegal activities and the college security guards would see all their rotten activities on camera.

     The Moore Owl and Minerva are very similar. They are both very wise in the arts of war. They are clever and will use their mind’s first to plan out carefully instead of jumping head first into a fight. Obviously, The Moore Owl was not born out of the head of his father, but he was wise enough to see when people were doing the wrong thing and to let them know that their dishonesty is not acceptable and that they would get justice—from the Moore Owl.