713 – Period 1 – 713
Friday, May 17, 2019Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How does the American economy change over time?
Text: NewMarketsLinkRegions
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How does technology change society?
Text: USMarketsExpand
Homework: No written homework.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 (HW 4-13)
Classwork: Analyzing for Poetic Devices: How does culture change and remain constant ?
Text: FosterABFosterCDFosterEPoeticDevicesCheatSheet
Homework: Students will write a two paragraph composition about the lyrics and devices used in each song: identify the songs (one Stephen Foster and one Modern song) you analyzed and then explain two similarities and two differences.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing for Poetic Devices: How does culture change and remain constant ?
Text: DickinsonPoeticDevices
Homework: No written homework.
Monday, May 13, 2019 (HW 4-12)
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How did America create its own culture?
Text: AmericanCultureTextExcerpts
Homework: In a paragraph of at least six complete sentences, using evidence from today’s readings: How and why did American artists create a “American Art”? *Art can be defined as writing, painting, sculpture, architecture.
803 – Period 2 – 803
Friday, May 17, 2019Classwork: Critical Film Viewing: How did the Depression affect Americans?
Film: America The Story of Us: Bust
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 16, 2019 (HW 4-9)
Classwork: Summarizing & Categorizing Information: What is the responsibility of the government when faced with an economic crisis?
Text: NewDealPrograms NewDeal
Homework: Complete handout categorizing the New Deal Programs.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Historical Speeches: What is the responsibility of the government when faced with an economic crisis?
Text: FDRInaugBankCrisisCW 32CampaignCards
Homework: No written homework.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What was the response to the Great Depression?
Text: Depression6
Homework: No written homework.
Monday, May 13, 2019 (HW 4-8)
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What was the response to the Great Depression?
Text: Depression5
Homework: In a paragraph of at least six complete sentences, using evidence from today’s readings: Would Hoover be able to solve the Great Depression? Why or why not?
712 – Period 5 – 712
Friday, May 17, 2019Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How does the American economy change over time?
Text: NewMarketsLinkRegions
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How does technology change society?
Text: USMarketsExpand
Homework: No written homework.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 (HW 4-13)
Classwork: Analyzing for Poetic Devices: How does culture change and remain constant ?
Text: FosterABFosterCDFosterEPoeticDevicesCheatSheet
Homework: Students will write a two paragraph composition about the lyrics and devices used in each song: identify the songs (one Stephen Foster and one Modern song) you analyzed and then explain two similarities and two differences.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing for Poetic Devices: How does culture change and remain constant ?
Text: DickinsonPoeticDevices
Homework: No written homework.
Monday, May 13, 2019 (HW 4-12)
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How did America create its own culture?
Text: AmericanCultureTextExcerpts
Homework: In a paragraph of at least six complete sentences, using evidence from today’s readings: How and why did American artists create a “American Art”? *Art can be defined as writing, painting, sculpture, architecture.
814 – Period 6 – 814
Friday, May 17, 2019 (HW 4-8)Classwork: Analyzing Primary Sources: What was the Holocaust?
Text: ReasonsforJournaling
Homework: Read the journal entry, ImStillHereJournal23, and write a one or two response to it: What was the purpose of this journal entry? Were there multiple purposes? How did it make you feel? Why?
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Classwork: Summarizing & Categorizing Information: What was the Holocaust?
Film: I'm Still Here - Holocaust Survivor Diaries
Homework: No written homework
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What was the Holocaust?
Text: Holocaust
Homework: No written homework.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What happened in World War 2 prior to American involvement?
Text: WarInEurope3
Homework: No written homework.
Monday, May 13, 2019 (HW 4-6)
Classwork: Creating a Chronology: What happened at the Battle of Britain (1940)?
Text: Battle of Britain P2 BattleGO
Homework: In a paragraph of at least six complete sentences, using evidence from today’s readings: Why was the Battle of Britain so important?
809 – Period 7 – 809
Friday, May 17, 2019Classwork: Critical Film Viewing: How did the Depression affect Americans?
Film: America The Story of Us: Bust
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 16, 2019 (HW 4-9)
Classwork: Summarizing & Categorizing Information: What is the responsibility of the government when faced with an economic crisis?
Text: NewDealPrograms NewDeal
Homework: Complete handout categorizing the New Deal Programs.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing Historical Speeches: What is the responsibility of the government when faced with an economic crisis?
Text: FDRInaugBankCrisisCW 32CampaignCards
Homework: No written homework.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What was the response to the Great Depression?
Text: Depression6
Homework: No written homework.
Monday, May 13, 2019 (HW 4-8)
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: What was the response to the Great Depression?
Text: Depression5
Homework: In a paragraph of at least six complete sentences, using evidence from today’s readings: Would Hoover be able to solve the Great Depression? Why or why not?
709 – Period 8 – 709
Friday, May 17, 2019Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How does the American economy change over time?
Text: NewMarketsLinkRegions
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How does technology change society?
Text: USMarketsExpand
Homework: No written homework.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 (HW 4-13)
Classwork: Analyzing for Poetic Devices: How does culture change and remain constant ?
Text: FosterABFosterCDFosterEPoeticDevicesCheatSheet
Homework: Students will write a two paragraph composition about the lyrics and devices used in each song: identify the songs (one Stephen Foster and one Modern song) you analyzed and then explain two similarities and two differences.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Classwork: Analyzing for Poetic Devices: How does culture change and remain constant ?
Text: DickinsonPoeticDevices
Homework: No written homework.
Monday, May 13, 2019 (HW 4-12)
Classwork: Reading for Main Idea: How did America create its own culture?
Text: AmericanCultureTextExcerpts
Homework: In a paragraph of at least six complete sentences, using evidence from today’s readings: How and why did American artists create a “American Art”? *Art can be defined as writing, painting, sculpture, architecture.