603 – Period 1 – 603
Friday, May 13, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Read through three primary and secondary source documents labeling evidence as “democratic” or “not democratic.” Corroboration of these different documents. Roman Republic Documents
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Read through three primary and secondary source documents labeling evidence as “democratic” or “not democratic.” Corroboration of these different documents. Roman Republic Documents
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry question: Was Cincinnatus a democratic leader or not? t4w10d2LivyCincinnatus
Homework: No homework.
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? t4w10GovernmentandSocietyofRome
Homework: Complete the Roman government graphic organizer.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 (HW 14)
Classwork: Exploring the geography of Italian peninsula and the surrounding areas
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph of no less than five complete sentences, respond: How did the ancient Romans adapt to the geography of the Italian peninsula? Use t4w10RomeGeographyDocuments
Monday, May 9, 2016 (HW 13)
Classwork: Exploring the Early history of Roman Republic and the founding of the city - Romulus and Remus Legend
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph respond: What moral can be learned from the Romulus and Remus legend?
606 – Period 2 – 606
Friday, May 13, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Read through three primary and secondary source documents labeling evidence as “democratic” or “not democratic.” Corroboration of these different documents. Roman Republic Documents
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Read through three primary and secondary source documents labeling evidence as “democratic” or “not democratic.” Corroboration of these different documents. Roman Republic Documents
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry question: Was Cincinnatus a democratic leader or not? t4w10d2LivyCincinnatus
Homework: No homework.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? t4w10GovernmentandSocietyofRome
Homework: Complete the Roman government graphic organizer.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 (HW 14)
Classwork: Exploring the geography of Italian peninsula and the surrounding areas
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph of no less than five complete sentences, respond: How did the ancient Romans adapt to the geography of the Italian peninsula? Use t4w10RomeGeographyDocuments
Monday, May 9, 2016 (HW 13)
Classwork: Exploring the Early history of Roman Republic and the founding of the city - Romulus and Remus Legend
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph respond: What moral can be learned from the Romulus and Remus legend?
709 – Period 3 – 709
Friday, May 13, 2016Classwork: Inquiry Question: Why did people in the 1830s support Indian removal or not? Corroborating evidence from primary sources.
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Analyzing art inspired by the Indian removal of the 1830s
Homework: No homework
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Classwork: Andrew Jackson Native American Policy - The Trail of Tears
Homework: Please write two Evidences and analysis on the Trail of Tears packet.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Classwork: Exploring Andrew Jacksons and the Twenty Dollar Bill
Homework: Complete Documents 3 an 4 in MEAL paragraph form
Monday, May 9, 2016
Classwork: Exploring Andrew Jacksons policy with Native Americans
Homework: Complete the evidence and analysis for Document 1 in packet
602 – Period 7 – 602
Friday, May 13, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Read through three primary and secondary source documents labeling evidence as “democratic” or “not democratic.” Corroboration of these different documents. Roman Republic Documents
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Read through three primary and secondary source documents labeling evidence as “democratic” or “not democratic.” Corroboration of these different documents. Roman Republic Documents
Homework: No written homework.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry question: Was Cincinnatus a democratic leader or not? t4w10d2LivyCincinnatus
Homework: No homework.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? t4w10GovernmentandSocietyofRome
Homework: Complete the Roman government graphic organizer.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 (HW 14)
Classwork: Exploring the geography of Italian peninsula and the surrounding areas
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph of no less than five complete sentences, respond: How did the ancient Romans adapt to the geography of the Italian peninsula? Use t4w10RomeGeographyDocuments
Monday, May 9, 2016 (HW 13)
Classwork: Exploring the Early history of Roman Republic and the founding of the city - Romulus and Remus Legend
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph respond: What moral can be learned from the Romulus and Remus legend?
605 – Period 8 – 605
Friday, May 13, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Read through three primary and secondary source documents labeling evidence as "democratic" or "not democratic." Corroboration of these different documents. Roman Republic Documents
Homework: On loose-leaf in a MEAL paragraph, please respond to the inquiry question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Respond with a claim, Two pieces of corroborating cited evidence (from different documents) and analysis.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry question: Was Cincinnatus a democratic leader or not? t4w10d2LivyCincinnatus
Homework: No homework.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? t4w10GovernmentandSocietyofRome
Homework: Complete the Roman government graphic organizer.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 (HW 14)
Classwork: Exploring the geography of Italian peninsula and the surrounding areas
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph of no less than five complete sentences, respond: How did the ancient Romans adapt to the geography of the Italian peninsula? Use t4w10RomeGeographyDocuments
Monday, May 9, 2016 (HW 13)
Classwork: Exploring the Early history of Roman Republic and the founding of the city - Romulus and Remus Legend
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph respond: What moral can be learned from the Romulus and Remus legend?
Friday, May 13, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Read through three primary and secondary source documents labeling evidence as "democratic" or "not democratic." Corroboration of these different documents. Roman Republic Documents
Homework: On loose-leaf in a MEAL paragraph, please respond to the inquiry question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? Respond with a claim, Two pieces of corroborating cited evidence (from different documents) and analysis.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry question: Was Cincinnatus a democratic leader or not? t4w10d2LivyCincinnatus
Homework: No homework.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Classwork: Inquiry Question: Was the Roman Republic democratic? t4w10GovernmentandSocietyofRome
Homework: Complete the Roman government graphic organizer.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 (HW 14)
Classwork: Exploring the geography of Italian peninsula and the surrounding areas
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph of no less than five complete sentences, respond: How did the ancient Romans adapt to the geography of the Italian peninsula? Use t4w10RomeGeographyDocuments
Monday, May 9, 2016 (HW 13)
Classwork: Exploring the Early history of Roman Republic and the founding of the city - Romulus and Remus Legend
Homework: On loose-leaf, in a MEAL paragraph respond: What moral can be learned from the Romulus and Remus legend?