Week of 1/5 Homework (Quarter 2 Week 9)


Monday, Jan 5 (1)
On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph based on the colonist you were assigned: patriot, loyalist or neutral. Include Evidence and Analysis!
Tuesday, Jan 6 (2)
Complete the Venn Diagram from the Loyalist and Patriots packet in class.
Wednesday, Jan 7.
No homework.
Thursday, Jan 8.
Performance task in class tomorrow


Monday, Jan 5 (1)
On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph about the Rosetta Stone.
Tuesday, Jan 6: (2)
In A Meal Paragraph:Would a person who enters the afterlife in Ancient Egypt be considered a good or bad person today?Use two pieces of evidence from the reading and an analysis for each.
Wednesday, Jan 7.
No homework. Quiz on Friday -- Egyptian Achievements.
Thursday, Jan 8.
Quiz in class tomorrow


Monday, Jan 5 (1)
On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph about the Rosetta Stone.
Tuesday, Jan 6 (2)
Create a MEAL Paragraph. Use this Main Idea: Temples were very important to ancient Egyptians. Use two pieces of evidence from the text and analysis.
Wednesday, Jan 7.
No homework. Quiz on Friday -- Egyptian Achievements.
Thursday, Jan 8.
Quiz in class tomorrow


Monday, Jan 5 (1)
On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph about Hieroglyphics: How were hieroglyphics similar to or different from how we write today?
Tuesday, Jan 6 (2)
Complete the Graphic Organizer with Evidence and Analysis from the Egypt's Great Temples worksheet..
Wednesday, Jan 7.
No homework. Quiz on Friday -- Egyptian Achievements.
Thursday, Jan 8.
Quiz in class tomorrow


Monday, Jan 5 (1)
On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph about Hieroglyphics: How were hieroglyphics similar to or different from how we write today?
Tuesday, Jan 6 (2)
Create a MEAL Paragraph. Use this Main Idea: Temples were very important to ancient Egyptians. Use two pieces of evidence from the text and analysis.
Wednesday, Jan 7.
No homework. Quiz on Friday -- Egyptian Achievements.
Thursday, Jan 8.
Quiz in class tomorrow