Monday, Nov 17
Answer on loose-leaf:
1. How does Edwards try to convince the listeners how to become saved?
2. How might hearing this sermon have affected the day-to-day behavior of the listeners?
Tuesday, Nov 18
In a MEA Paragraph on loose-leaf, respond to the inquiry question:
How did Thomas Mun advocate (promote) mercantilism in his document?\
Thursday, Nov 20
Complete Graphic Organizer for Georgia based on the handout.
Friday, Nov 21
Read Essay 3
On loose leaf write the grade you gave it based on the MEAL rubric.
Also on loose leaf, fix or give suggestions to make this a stronger essay.
Tuesday, Nov 18
In a MEA Paragraph on loose-leaf, respond to the inquiry question:
How did Thomas Mun advocate (promote) mercantilism in his document?\
Thursday, Nov 20
Complete Graphic Organizer for Georgia based on the handout.
Friday, Nov 21
Read Essay 3
On loose leaf write the grade you gave it based on the MEAL rubric.
Also on loose leaf, fix or give suggestions to make this a stronger essay.
603, 608 and 612
Monday, Nov 17
Tuesday, Nov 18
In your textbook, read pages 143-147.
Respond to question 1 on page 147 on loose-leaf.
Thursday, Nov 20:
On loose-leaf, Create a Meal Paragraph answering the question:
How did Ancient Mesopotamia impact our current civilization?
Use one of the four areas from your graphic organizer created in class to create the Meal paragraph – you may NOT write about religion.
Tuesday, Nov 18
In your textbook, read pages 143-147.
Respond to question 1 on page 147 on loose-leaf.
Thursday, Nov 20:
On loose-leaf, Create a Meal Paragraph answering the question:
How did Ancient Mesopotamia impact our current civilization?
Use one of the four areas from your graphic organizer created in class to create the Meal paragraph – you may NOT write about religion.
Also, make sure you have your Graphic Organizer for Mesopotamian Achievements filled out completely!!!
Friday, Nov 21.
Read Essay 3
On loose leaf write the grade you gave it based on the MEAL rubric.
Also on loose leaf, fix or give suggestions to make this a stronger essay.
Monday, Nov 17
Tuesday, Nov 18
In your textbook, read pages 143-147.
Respond to question 1 on page 147 on loose-leaf.
Tuesday, Nov 18
In your textbook, read pages 143-147.
Respond to question 1 on page 147 on loose-leaf.