Week of 10/26 (Quarter 1 Week 8)

If you have any late work -- hand it in by Thursday.

603 - Period 1 - 603

Friday, October 30
Classwork: Essay Self Reflection
Homework: No homework

Thursday, October 29
Classowork: Analytical Writing
Homework: No homework.

Wednesday, October 28 (HW 11)
Classowork: Analytical Writing
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph from one of the documents from the handout in class.

Tuesday, October 27
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: No homework.
If you have not handed in your essay or have overdue homework assignments - Thursday is the deadline.

Monday, October 26 (HW 10)
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph to answer inquiry question: What were some of the aspects of life for Early Humans? Use the documents from today's handout for evidence.

606 - Period 2 - 606

Friday, October 30
Classwork: Essay Self Reflection
Homework: No homework

Thursday, October 29
Classowork: Analytical Writing
Homework: No homework.

Wednesday, October 28 (HW 11)
Classowork: Analytical Writing
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph from one of the documents from the handout in class.

Tuesday, October 27
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: No homework.
If you have not handed in your essay or have overdue homework assignments - Thursday is the deadline.

Monday, October 26 (HW 10)
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph to answer inquiry question: What were some of the aspects of life for Early Humans? Use the documents from today's handout for evidence.

709 - Period 3 - 709

Friday, October 30
Classwork: Analytical Writing
Homework: No homework.
This Graphic Organizer can help you organize your Columbus essay!

Thursday, October 29 (HW 12)
Classwork: Analytical Writing
Homework: Write and introduction and conclusion for your 2 body paragraphs about whether Columbus was a hero or a villain.

Wednesday, October 28 (HW 11)
Classwork: Citing Evidence and Plagiarism
Homework: On loose-leaf, create two MEAL paragraphs to answer the inquiry question: Was Christopher Columbus a hero or villain? Use evidence from two documents in your paragraph.

Tuesday, October 27
Classwork: Identifying Bias in documents, Claims and Evidence
Homework: No homework.
If you have not handed in your essay or have overdue homework assignments - Thursday is the deadline.

Monday, October 26 (HW 10)
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph to answer inquiry question: How do issues of power, wealth and morality influence exploration? Use the documents from today's handout for evidence.

602 - Period 7 - 602

Friday, October 30
Classwork: Essay Self Reflection
Homework: No homework

Thursday, October 29
Classowork: Analytical Writing
Homework: No homework.

Wednesday, October 28 (HW 11)
Classowork: Analytical Writing
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph from one of the documents from the handout in class.

Tuesday, October 27
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: No homework.
If you have not handed in your essay or have overdue homework assignments - Thursday is the deadline.

Monday, October 26 (HW 10)
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph to answer inquiry question: What were some of the aspects of life for Early Humans? Use the documents from today's handout for evidence.

605 - Period 8 - 605

Friday, October 30
Classwork: Essay Self Reflection
Homework: No homework

Thursday, October 29
Classowork: Analytical Writing
Homework: No homework.

Wednesday, October 28 (HW 11)
Classowork: Analytical Writing
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph from one of the documents from the handout in class.

Tuesday, October 27
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: No homework.
If you have not handed in your essay or have overdue homework assignments - Thursday is the deadline.

Monday, October 26 (HW 10)
Classwork: Making Claims and citing Evidence from Documents
Homework: On loose-leaf, create a MEAL paragraph to answer inquiry question: What were some of the aspects of life for Early Humans? Use the documents from today's handout for evidence.

Week of 10/19 (Quarter 1 Week 7)

603 - Period 1 - 603

Monday, October 19.
Classwork: Main Idea Statement and Supporting Evidence
Homework: No Homework.

Tuesday, October 20. (HW 8)
Classwork: Main Idea Statement and Supporting Evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf in a paragraph of five sentences, respond:
How were hunter-gatherers similar to modern humans?
Use two pieces of Evidence from reading.
And write an analysis for each evidence.

Wednesday, October 21 (HW 9)
Classwork: Main Idea Statements and Supporting Evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf in a paragraph of five sentences, respond:
What made a hunter-gatherer successful?
Use two pieces of Evidence from reading.
And write an analysis for each evidence.

Thursday, October 22
Classwork: What are claims? How do I write a good claim?
Homework: No homework.

Friday, October 23
Classwork: Bridg-it Lesson
Homework: Complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IS228_student_2015-16

606 - Period 2 - 606

Monday, October 19.
Classwork: Main Idea Statement and Supporting Evidence
Homework: No Homework.

Tuesday, October 20.
Classwork: No class today - 6th Grade Bullying Assembly
Homework: No homework.

Wednesday, October 21. (HW 8)
Classwork: Main Idea Statement and Supporting Evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf in a paragraph of five sentences, respond:
How were hunter-gatherers similar to modern humans?
Use two pieces of Evidence from reading.
And write an analysis for each evidence.

Thursday, October 22
Classwork: What are claims? How do I write a good claim?
Homework: No homework.

Friday, October 23
Classwork: Bridg-it Lesson
Homework: Complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IS228_student_2015-16

709 - Period 3 - 709

Monday, October 19.
Classwork: Analyzing Evidence
Homework: No Homework.

Tuesday, October 20 (HW 9)
Classwork: Analyzing Evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf in a MEA paragraph of at least five sentences, respond:
What caused the Age of Exploration?
(Hint: Evidence can come from the readings from class today and yesterday)

Wednesday, October 21 (HW 10)
Classwork: Composing claims based on documents and evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf, create two claims based on the documents we looked at in class today.

Thursday, October 22
Classwork: What are claims? How do I write a good claim?
Homework: No homework.

Friday, October 23
Classwork: Bridg-it Lesson
Homework: Complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IS228_student_2015-16

602 - Period 7 - 602

Monday, October 19.
Classwork: Main Idea Statement and Supporting Evidence
Homework: No Homework.

Tuesday, October 20. (HW 8)
Classwork: Main Idea Statement and Supporting Evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf in a paragraph of five sentences, respond:
How were hunter-gatherers similar to modern humans?
Use two pieces of Evidence from reading.
And write an analysis for each evidence.

Wednesday, October 21 (HW 9)
Classwork: Main Idea Statements and Supporting Evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf in a paragraph of five sentences, respond:
What made a hunter-gatherer successful?
Use two pieces of Evidence from reading.
And write an analysis for each evidence.

Thursday, October 22
Classwork: What are claims? How do I write a good claim?
Homework: No homework.

Friday, October 23
Classwork: Bridg-it Lesson
Homework: Complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IS228_student_2015-16

605 - Period 8 - 605

Monday, October 19.
Classwork: Main Idea Statement and Supporting Evidence
Homework: No Homework.

Tuesday, October 20. (HW 8)
Classwork: Main Idea Statement and Supporting Evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf in a paragraph of five sentences, respond:
How were hunter-gatherers similar to modern humans?
Use two pieces of Evidence from reading.
And write an analysis for each evidence.

Wednesday, October 21 (HW 9)
Classwork: Main Idea Statements and Supporting Evidence
Homework: On loose-leaf in a paragraph of five sentences, respond:
What made a hunter-gatherer successful?
Use two pieces of Evidence from reading.
And write an analysis for each evidence.

Thursday, October 22
Classwork: What are claims? How do I write a good claim?
Homework: No homework.

Friday, October 23
Classwork: Bridg-it Lesson
Homework: Complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IS228_student_2015-16

Week of 10/13 (Quarter 1 Week 6)

603 - Period 1 - 603

Tuesday, October 13 (HW 6)
Classwork: Introducing Expository Paragraphs
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, Write two MEAL paragraphs telling about two geographic features of your region. Use the graphic organizers completed in class today for help.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Wednesday, October 14 (HW 7)
Classwork: Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs of Expository Essays
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, please write an Introduction and Conclusion for your essay.
Use the graphic organizer from class today to help you.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Thursday, October 15
Classwork: Peer Editing Techniques
Homework: No homework -- if you have not done HW 6 and HW 7 bring it in tomorrow!!

Friday, October 16
Classwork: Composing final draft of essay.
Homework: Final draft of essay is due on monday.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

606 - Period 2 - 606

Tuesday, October 13 (HW 6)
Classwork: Introducing Expository Paragraphs
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, Write two MEAL paragraphs telling about two geographic features of your region. Use the graphic organizers completed in class today for help.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Wednesday, October 14 (HW 7)
Classwork: Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs of Expository Essays
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, please write an Introduction and Conclusion for your essay.
Use the graphic organizer from class today to help you.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Thursday, October 15
Classwork: Peer Editing Techniques
Homework: No homework -- if you have not done HW 6 and HW 7 bring it in tomorrow!!

Friday, October 16
Classwork: Composing final draft of essay.
Homework: Final draft of essay is due on monday.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

709 - Period 3 - 709

Tuesday, October 13 (HW 7)
Classwork: Citing Evidence and analyzing 
Homework: On loose-leaf, write draft of the three body paragraphs for Native American Nation Essay include evidence and analysis.
Essay Question: What was life like for the tribe you were assigned?

Wednesday, October 14 (HW 8)
Classwork: Composing Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, draft the Introduction and Conclusion for your essay. Use the graphic organizer to help.
Essay Question: What was life like for the tribe you were assigned?

Thursday, October 15
Classwork: Formal Writing Techniques
Homework: No homework -- if you have not done HW 7 and HW 8 bring it in tomorrow!!

Friday, October 16
Classwork: Peer Editing of first draft of essay.
Homework: Final draft of essay is due on Monday.
Essay Question: What was life like for the tribe you were assigned?

602 - Period 7 - 602

Tuesday, October 13 (HW 6)
Classwork: Introducing Expository Paragraphs
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, Write two MEAL paragraphs telling about two geographic features of your region. Use the graphic organizers completed in class today for help.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Wednesday, October 14 (HW 7)
Classwork: Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs of Expository Essays
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, please write an Introduction and Conclusion for your essay.
Use the graphic organizer from class today to help you.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Thursday, October 15
Classwork: Peer Editing Techniques
Homework: No homework -- if you have not done HW 6 and HW 7 bring it in tomorrow!!

Friday, October 16
Classwork: Composing final draft of essay.
Homework: Final draft of essay is due on monday.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

605 - Period 8 - 605

Tuesday, October 13 (HW 6)
Classwork: Introducing Expository Paragraphs
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, Write two MEAL paragraphs telling about two geographic features of your region. Use the graphic organizers completed in class today for help.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Wednesday, October 14 (HW 7)
Classwork: Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs of Expository Essays
Homework: On one sheet of loose-leaf, please write an Introduction and Conclusion for your essay.
Use the graphic organizer from class today to help you.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Thursday, October 15
Classwork: Peer Editing Techniques
Homework: No homework -- if you have not done HW 6 and HW 7 bring it in tomorrow!!

Friday, October 16
Classwork: Composing final draft of essay.
Homework: Final draft of essay is due on monday.
Essay Question: Does the physical geography of the region make it a good place to live?

Week of 10/5 (Quarter 1 Week 5)

603 - Period 1 - 603

Monday, October 5 (HW 5)
SAME AS FRIDAY - Write your first draft of your 6 sentence paragraph about one geographic feature from region reading.

Tuesday, October 6 (HW 5)
Using the peer editing Graphic Organizer, re-write your six sentences.
Due tomorrow: First Draft, Peer Review Sheet & Final Draft

Wednesday, October 7
Classwork: Preparing for Oral Presentation on Geographic Feature
Homework: Practice your speech tonight in front of a mirror. Your goal is to look yourself in the eye as you give the presentation – try not to look at the “Project Oral Presentation sheet.”

Thursday, October 8
Classwork: Rehearsing Oral Presentations
Homework: Practice your speech tonight in front of a mirror. Your goal is to look yourself in the eye as you give the presentation – try not to look at the “Project Oral Presentation sheet.”

Friday, October 9
Classwork: Oral Presentations Today
Homework: No homework.

606 - Period 2 - 606

Monday, October 5 (HW 5)
Write your first draft of your 6 sentence paragraph about one geographic feature from region reading.

Tuesday, October 6 (HW 5)
Using the peer editing Graphic Organizer, re-write your paragraph.
Due tomorrow: First Draft, Peer Review Sheet & Final Draft

Wednesday, October 7
Classwork: Preparing for Oral Presentation on Geographic Feature
Homework: Practice your speech tonight in front of a mirror. Your goal is to look yourself in the eye as you give the presentation – try not to look at the “Project Oral Presentation sheet.”

Thursday, October 8
Classwork: Rehearsing Oral Presentations
Homework: Practice your speech tonight in front of a mirror. Your goal is to look yourself in the eye as you give the presentation – try not to look at the “Project Oral Presentation sheet.”

Friday, October 9
Classwork: Oral Presentations Today
Homework: No homework.

709 - Period 3 - 709

Monday, October 5 (HW 5)
On loose-leaf in four or five complete sentences, How are all three civilizations (Aztec, Maya and Inca) similar? How are they different?

Tuesday, October 6 (HW 5)
Using the peer editing Graphic Organizer, re-write your MEAL paragraph about Aztec, Maya, Inca.
Due tomorrow: First Draft, Peer Review Sheet & Final Draft

Wednesday, October 7
Classwork: Assigned and research for Native American Tribe/Nation
Homework: Use the internet to complete the “Step 2” of the Handout Packet.
Choose three extra topics in addition to Geography, Housing, Religion/Spirituality.

Thursday, October 8
Classwork: Organized research for Native American Tribe/Nation
Homework: None

Friday, October 9 (HW 6)
Classwork: Research and Drafting of Native American Nation Essay
Homework: On loose-leaf, write first draft of the three body paragraphs for Native American Nation Essay

602 - Period 7 - 602

Monday, October 5 (HW 5)
SAME AS FRIDAY - Write your first draft of your 6 sentence paragraph about one geographic feature from region reading.

Tuesday, October 6 (HW 5)
Using the peer editing Graphic Organizer, re-write your six sentences.
Due tomorrow: First Draft, Peer Review Sheet & Final Draft

Wednesday, October 7
Classwork: Preparing for Oral Presentation on Geographic Feature
Homework: Practice your speech tonight in front of a mirror. Your goal is to look yourself in the eye as you give the presentation – try not to look at the “Project Oral Presentation sheet.”

Thursday, October 8
Classwork: Rehearsing Oral Presentations
Homework: Practice your speech tonight in front of a mirror. Your goal is to look yourself in the eye as you give the presentation – try not to look at the “Project Oral Presentation sheet.”

Friday, October 9
Classwork: Oral Presentations Today
Homework: No homework.

605 - Period 8 - 605

Monday, October 5 (HW 5)
SAME AS FRIDAY - Write your first draft of your 6 sentence paragraph about one geographic feature from region reading.

Tuesday, October 6 (HW 5)
Using the peer editing Graphic Organizer, re-write your six sentences.
Due tomorrow: First Draft, Peer Review Sheet & Final Draft

Wednesday, October 7
Classwork: Preparing for Oral Presentation on Geographic Feature
Homework: Practice your speech tonight in front of a mirror. Your goal is to look yourself in the eye as you give the presentation – try not to look at the “Project Oral Presentation sheet.”

Thursday, October 8
Classwork: Rehearsing Oral Presentations
Homework: Practice your speech tonight in front of a mirror. Your goal is to look yourself in the eye as you give the presentation – try not to look at the “Project Oral Presentation sheet.”

Friday, October 9
Classwork: Oral Presentations Today
Homework: No homework.