Trim 2 Week 11

Grade 8 Homework:
No written homework this week, but prepare for a test on Monday February 25 and Tuesday February 26.

In a five paragraph hamburger essay:
Was the changes in the 1920s for the better or for the worse?

If you are doing a reading for the Pinning Ceremony, please practice. If you forgot your reading, you may find it at the top right of this webpage: "Pinning Readings."

Grade 7 Homework
No written homework this week, but prepare for test on Wednesday February 27 and Thursday February 28.

In a five paragraph hamburger essay:
Would you have been a Federalist or a Democratic-Republican in the early National Period? Why?

St. Valentine's Day

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

Saint Valentine is the anglicized name for Valentinus. There were at least two saints named this. St. Valentine of Rome who was a priest and martyred on February 14, 269 AD. Also, St. Valentine of Terni was a bishop  of Interamna who was martyred on February 14, 197 AD. Why don't we know about them? Because the Roman empire didn't keep much documentation on Christian activities, because they were thought unimportant and few Christians back then were literate.

Valentinus comes from the Latin word "valere" meaning to be strong or powerful. It is the root of the word valient.

The holy day did not become associated with "romantic love" until nearly 1500 years later in the late 18th century!

Please do not copy or re-post photographs of my daughter.

Trim 2 Week 10

Grade 8 Homework:
No written homework this week, but prepare for a test on Monday February 25 and Tuesday February 26.

In a five paragraph hamburger essay:
Was the changes in the 1920s for the better or for the worse?

Grade 7 Homework
No written homework this week, but prepare for test on Wednesday February 27 and Thursday February 28.

In a five paragraph hamburger essay:
Would you have been a Federalist or a Democratic-Republican in the early National Period? Why?

Rubrics for all tests can now be found under the hamburger essay tab at the top of this page.

Trim 2 Week 9

Grade 8 Social Studies Homework

Read Pg 758 - 764
Define content vocabulary, academic vocabulary, Key People and events in notebook.
Answer Section Review 2 - 7 on loose-leaf.

Grade 7 Social Studies Homework

Read Pg 276- 279
Define content vocabulary, academic vocabulary, Key People and events in notebook.
Answer Section Review 2 - 6 on loose-leaf.

Read Pg 280-285
Define content vocabulary, academic vocabulary, Key People and events in notebook.
Answer Section Review 2 - 6 on loose-leaf.